Design For Data Collection And Analysis To Support he Evaluation Of The Chronic Homeless Employment Technical Assistance (Cheta) Initiative

Sponsoring Agency: Corporation for Supportive Housing
Project Officer: Doreen Stracka
Performance Period: October 2005 – January 2006
Project Summary:

Capital Research Corporation staff are part of a team of researchers (working under contract to Corporation for Supportive Housing) involved in an evaluation of the Chronic Homelessness Employment Technical Assistance (CHETA) Initiative. An initial task under this overall evaluation effort focused on the development of an evaluation design that will support an assessment of HUD/DOL CHETA grantee projects in Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, and Boston. These projects are designed to provide temporary and permanent unsubsidized employment, training, housing, and a range of support services for chronically homeless individuals with mental health problems. This design report identified strengths and weaknesses of HUD/DOL evaluation effort and the gaps in data and tracking instruments; recommended feasible options for CSH, HUD and DOL to maximize the opportunity to provide useful information that might inform policy and practice; and provided an assessment of potential for matched sample comparisons with one or more of the HUD/DOL sites with the HUD/HHS/VA chronic homeless sites Memorandum: M. Burt and J. Trutko, Ending Chronic Homelessness Through Employment and Housing: Review of Evaluation Strategies and Data Collection Tools for Cross-Site and Localized Plans, prepared for the Corporation for Supportive Housing, December 2005.